QGIS notes


GeoPackage --- a database format for storing GIS and other data

Leaflet --- javascript library for displaying maps on the web. You need to make "tiles" first. Leaflet will display the tiles.


Get started

Install QGIS.

Start QGIS.

Add Layer. Select "Vector". Select "polygons.json.zip".

Add Layer. Select "Delimited Text". Select "parcelswithzoningandappraisals.csv". Under "Geometry Definition" choose "No geometry (attribute only table)".

Join Layers based on "PROPID". This takes many minutes (Maybe change Layer's Attributes Form to "unique" for "PROPID"?)

HOWTO: Add layer

In toolbar, click on icon with 3 squares on top of each other with a "plus sign". (Tooltip says "Data Source Manager".)

For files with the "gpkg" extension: Select "GeoPackage" on the left side. Click the "new" button (at the top). Select the file. Click the "connect" button (at the top). Select the layer you want in the table. Click the "Add" button (at the bottom).

For files with the "geojson" extension: Select "Vector" on the left side. At the top, "Source Type" should be "file". Under "Source", at the extreme right click on "...". Select the file. Click the "Add" button (at the bottom).

HOWTO: Join Layers

Right click on the polygon layer. Select "Properties".

In the new "Layer Properties" window, select "Joins".

Click "+" in the lower left.

For "join layer" select the data layer. For "join field" select the field, such as "PROPID". For the Target field, select the appropriate value, such as "PROPID".

Click "Ok".

HOWTO: Add Plugin

From the menu, select "Plugins", and then "Manage and Install Plugins". It will download a list of available plugins from QGIS's repository.

HOWTO: Export a subset

Use selection tool (in the middle, looks like a rectangle, a dotted rectangle, and a mouse pointer).

Select the area.

Go to Layers, the layer you want, and right click. Mouse over "Export" and, from the submenu, select "Save Selected Features as..."

HOWTO: Intersect zoning with parcels

HOWTO: Find the length of a lot on the street ("curb length")

Mark Isley said you will need to:

HOWTO: Compute time to drive from a parcel to center of city

Mark Isley said you will need to:

HOWTO: Compute which parcels are near a particular parcel

HOWTO: Compute how close each parcel is to a major highway

HOWTO: Determine how square or round a parcel is

HOWTO: Compute the square footage allowed under zoning laws

HOWTO: Compute the height of a building allowed on a parcel under Austin's "Compatibility" law