Top 50 American Cities

This spreadsheet has a variety of data from the 50 largest cities by estimated metro population in 2021. It's great for quickly testing an idea to see if a trend exists.

Warning: Be aware that the data comes from regions with different bounaries.

HUD's rents are for "Fair Market Rent" (FMR) areas. HUD's homeless numbers are for "Continuity of Care" (CoC) areas. These not consistently aligned with metro areas nor cities.

INRIX's regions are also inconsisent. (San Jose is part of San Francisco, Riverside part of Los Angeles, and Virginia Beach part of Norfolk.)

Warning: times are not necessarily aligned in data

HUD's median rents are published in Fiscal Year 2023, but are calculated of earlier data.

List of fields and sources:


Zillow data collection started Sept 17th.

Lots come from I only considered "agent listings". Lots had to be listed in the last 90 days Went to round(# available) and then searched for "valid" lot - had sqft - had road - had address (may be #0 on that street) - was residential (not commercial, not parking lot, no alley) - nothing left on lot (e.g., old foundation) - not auction (opening bid at auction)

Apartments/Condos/Co-ops from 1+ beds, 1+ baths Listed within 30 days. Valid listings had: - had sqft - has address ! counted many rooms at same address as "1". ! only selected ads with single room at address 3rd ad may have been sponsored. It was counted as a property except when less than 10.

10% lot size done on Sept. 21st.

Median lot size came from It reports Zillow's median lot size in MSA (not city!) from May 2022. I was able to extract data from their table

Median rent comes from this HUD page: Not clear what it means.